
Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 6:00 PM 
Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 8:00 PM 

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Henry Lopez, Certified Score Mentor

Henry is a Serial Entrepreneur, Small Business Coach & Consultant, and Host of The How of Business podcast show.

Henry has over 35 years of diverse business experience, including successful careers in the information technology industry, sales, sales training and business ownership. He is currently the Managing Partner of Levante Business Group (supporting entrepreneurs and small business owners and producers of The How of Business podcast), co-owner of iTopIt (a self-serve frozen desserts restaurant in Colorado Springs), co-owner of L3 Destinations (a Travel Agency co-founded with his wife), and a minority partner and investor in Office Evolution of Plantation (an executive suites and co-working business center franchise location). Henry currently resides in Port Saint Lucie, Florida with his wife Pam.

He has been directly involved in over 11 different small businesses since purchasing his first business in 1991. He has developed and launched his own businesses and has bought and sold businesses as well. Henry also serves as a volunteer Certified SCORE Mentor.



George Gremse 
SCORE Broward 


SCORE Broward office hours:  Monday – Thursday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

                                         Online workshop

FREE: Review Your Options, Maybe Start Your Own Business? 

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 During times like this people often contemplate getting better control of their lives by starting their own business. You can achieve financial independence by owing your own business. Spend some time with us to look under the covers at what running your own business entails.

If you have considered owing your own business you are not alone - millions of Americans share that dream. And yet, not everyone has the courage to get started. But if you are reading this you have already taken the first steps towards turning your dream into a reality.

This interactive two-hour seminar will deal with the key information you need to be considering as you move forward. Topics covered are:

1. Myths and Realities of Entrepreneurship - The truth about business ownership
2. Do you have what it takes - Assessing your skills & experience
3. Know your options: Different types of businesses - A closer look at various ways of starting a business
4. Components of business ownership - Understanding the many roles you'll play as a business owner
5. Making it legal - The nuts & bolts of launching a new business
6. Business plan basics - Why you need a business plan

The workshop is a solid first step. It helps you to understand what is involved in starting and running a business and your stage of readiness. This is time well spent. You will walk away with a head full of ideas for your next steps.

Costs Free

About SCORE:

SCORE is a non-profit resource partner of the Small Business Administration. The SCORE Broward Chapter has been helping entrepreneurs and business men and women for over 50 years to start, develop, and expand their businesses. For more information about how we can assist you visit us at broward.score.org

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