
Thursday, February 17, 2022 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM PST
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Monica Powell 
AFP Vancouver Island 

Is there really a difference between sponsorship and a donation? Aren’t they pretty much the same… except the company gets a logo or banner if it is sponsorship? Well, its not quite that simple and that’s why your organization should truly know what the difference is; how it affects you, your organization, your donors and your sponsors! 

The CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) has its input into the difference between sponsorship and a gift. And that does affect you!  Plus, why would you go through all the hassles of servicing a sponsorship when all the company wants is to help? And what is in the best interest of the donor / sponsor? Should that not matter to you and your organization.

Come join us for this interactive session on understanding the difference between sponsorship and philanthropy and what it means to your organization and how you can maximize revenues for your organization and ROI (return on investment – whatever that might be) for your donor / sponsor.

CFRE Credits: 1.5



About the presenter

Brent Barootes is President and CEO of the Partnership Group – Sponsorship Specialists®, a national sponsorship marketing consulting firm specializing in non-profits and charities.  He has been in this sector and a member of AFP for over 30 years and in his present role at the Partnership Group – Sponsorship Specialists® for over 20 years. His experience on the sponsorship side of fundraising as well as having been a major gift officer and Director of Development for a national Canadian Charity has allowed him to truly understand the sector and successfully serve their clients.

Brent is also the author of Amazon.ca’s #1 Best seller in the Nonprofit Marketing and Communications category: Reality Check – Straight Talk about Sponsorship Marketing. Brent is a regular speaker at conferences and conventions as well as a TEDx presenter.

Brent lives with his wife and 16-year-old daughter in Nanaimo.