During her 18 years of loving service to the Temple Shir Tikva community, Cantor Hollis has touched our hearts. HOLLISPALOOZA is an opportunity to mark this important milestone.

FRIDAY, MAY 17 - RSVP (no charge for the event)

Our Hollispalooza celebration will open with the dedication of our beautiful “Song of Hope” mosaic prior to Shabbat services. The mosaic project created the opportunity for members of the TST community to work on the physical piece and to contribute joyfully to Temple Shir Tikva in honor of Cantor Hollis. To donate to the Mosaic Art Project, in honor of Cantor Hollis, PLEASE CLICK HERE

5:15 p.m.  Oneg and Dedication of Mosaic Art
6:15 p.m.  Festive Shabbat Service followed by dessert reception

R.S.V.P. greatly appreciated so we may provide comfortable accommodations - please click below to let us know you will be joining us.

SATURDAY, MAY 18 - RSVP before MAY 3

Join us for a warm and joyous evening at THE RUACH LOUNGE AT TST, featuring musical guest, Josh Nelson. This is a jeans-friendly, adult celebration. Space is limited. We expect the event to sell out - buy your tickets early by clicking below.

6:30 p.m. - Hors d'oeuvres and Cocktails
7:15 p.m. - Dinner, Havdalah and Program
9:30 p.m. - Dessert and Singalong


A musical tribute to Cantor Hollis by our Grades 3-6 Youth Choir, led by Jonathan Zarkower. Coincides with Religious School's final session and BBQ.