
BB Harding
Wizards Ventures, LLC


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Wizards Ventures, LLC


Conversations with Consciousness 

Leaning into the consciousness that exits in all things

People are speaking more and more about their purpose is to create Heaven on Earth.  I am coming to the understanding that I too have a piece of this mission.  The slant that I will be providing is to share and educate others that there is consciousness in all things.  There is an internal intelligence that exists in all matter, whether we choose to honor that or not.  In my mind, what makes sense is that all things come from the “matter pool” and some of the matter takes form as human, some animal, some things.

 In this workshop, the intention is to initiate the dialogue with various forms of consciousness.  We will play with
*  Connecting to your own Inner Wisdom
*  Something in Nature – this might be a forest, the ocean, a rock, a tree, maybe even an insect
*  An animal – this could be your pet or even an animal that you previously knew nothing about
*  A man-made object – this could be your car, your house, a chair
*  Your body
*  A situation in your life – this could be something around a relationship; a job; an illness.

This is a collaborative effort where we will create a safe place for everyone to share what it is that they are discovering along the way.  There will be homework from week to week, and all of the participants will have the space to share their findings and what it is that they are learning.  Classes will be held using the Zoom video technology and last up to 90 minutes depending on the sharing that is done.  The class is open to 10 participants; and each person (strong introverts included) should anticipate that they will be sharing.


A little about your guide, BB Harding  

This workshop will tap into skill sets that I have acquired along my journey in life.  Truthfully, many of them are skillsets that I used, left behind and had practically forgotten about, thinking that they would not prove useful anymore, especially when I returned to the corporate world. (I’m now retired)

As it has been said, everything you have done will be part of what you are here to do – and now, I am seeing how that could be true.  In the early 90’s I dabbled with Gardening with Nature’s Intelligence (Machelle Small-Wright).  This provided me with the grounding to understand that there was intelligence around a garden, nature spirits, devas, etc.  That learning was extended into the process of making essences – flower, gem, bird, sacred earth, animals.  I listened to tapes from people like Deepak Chopra who, if I remember correctly, made the statement that the energy of abundance comes from the same place that a waterfall does.  This was something that made an impression on me.

One of the next steps along the way was to work with essential oils and the outcome was the publication of the book Essential Oil Wisdom.  It was an intuitive work, and a complete surprise since that was not something I normally did.

Forward a few more years to 2011, I got involved with horses through the Touched by a Horse program.  In this program, Melisa Pearce the founder’s strongest message was that horses are sentient beings.  They also have an innate ability to heal.  It was during this program that I began to receive messages from the horses about living life.  Messages that could be entitled  “Be not afraid of grief;” “Surround yourself with those who see your gifts.”

In 2014, I became involved with the work of Tim Kelley who has an entire process around finding your soul-aligned purpose using direct access methods (talking with your Inner Wisdom).  In this process one begins to work with their Inner Guidance and parts of self.  This requires that one hold the space that it is possible to do this and then listen.

I am not going to hold myself as THE expert in doing this.  What I will claim is that the concept is not new to me and that I have some experience that I can share with you.

If you are feeling resonant with the idea of tapping into the consciousness that surrounds you, I invite you to join us for Conversations with Consciousness.  


Details of the program:

Start date:  Tuesday November 7, 2017 
Time:  6:00 PM MT for 90 minutes (5:00 PM PT / 6:00 PM MT / 7:00 PM CT / 8:00 PM ET)
Location:  Zoom virtual teleclass (details provided after registering)
Duration:  90 minutes for 6 sessions.  

Cost:  $144 single pay.  Sign up by October 17 and receive a complimentary Voice Dialogue session.

Open to 10 peopleMinimum of 4 *

* if you find that the event is closed, please email me to be waitlisted 

A few words about a Voice Dialogue session

In the work that I do, the approach to parts of self is that all parts serve a noble purpose.  They are there to watch over us, make sure we are safe and that our needs are met.  Most of the time, a part has been created at a very early age and so the strategy that it uses to serve its purpose is dated and is not necessarily for the highest good of everyone.  In a Voice Dialogue (VD) session, we talk directly to a part and find out its history, what it is doing for you, and whether or not it feels that it is serving its highest purpose.  These sessions can provide some amazing information about what a part of you thinks it is doing for you, and how it does that.  It is also possible that the part may choose to change its job so that it can live its higher purpose. 

To get more information or see if this event is for you, contact

BB Harding at 720-378-4961 or