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Wednesday June 13, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM EDT

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Kristi Searle 
The maximum capacity for this web seminar is 100 participants. The event will be recorded and made available at

Hot Topics: The DuraSpace Community Webinar Series 

Series Two: Managing and preserving audio and video in your digital repository

 Webinar 3: Describing Audio & Video Digital Media

with Metadata 

Curated by Karen Cariani, Director, WGBH Media Library & Archives

As repository managers will tell you managing, preserving and creating access to digital rich media audio and video files presents a complex set of challenges for administrators, content creators and users.

Join series curator Karen Cariani and representatives from AVPS and Stanford University for an overview of metadata and formats including the complexity of video metadata, and the challenges posed by those complexities.  This presentation will conclude with a wrap up and general overview of video in repositories.