
Friday, July 8, 2016
7 to 10 PM PT

This introduction/overview evening is optional, though recommended.

The full workshop is Thurs. - Sun., July 14 - 17
and requires separate registrations for Thur., July 14 and Fri. - Sun., July 15 - 17.

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Sunrise Center 
645 Tamalpais Drive
Suite A
Corte Madera, CA 94925

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Sunrise Center 


The Inner Romance:
Performing Inside Out

with William Pennell Rock,
Master of Archetypal Psychodrama

Meditation on the Masculine/Feminine Self


This is evening is one of two introductions to the full, 3-1/2-day workshop on July 14 - 17. Participating in this particular introduction/overview, is optional, though recommended. The Thurs., July 14 Introduction is the first session of the workshop and is required.

The Inner Romance 3-1/2-day workshop combines Jungian-based psychodrama together with structured meditation in a ritualized format. It is a unique approach to realizing the deep integration of your own masculine and feminine by getting in touch with and embodying the lovers within you. Resolve this conflict of Light and Darkness within, and you will transform your life without.

Through deep work in archetypal psychodrama, you will discover and embody your own version of archetypal personalities within yourself -- the Hero, Heroine, Inner Saboteur and Nature Spirit -- bringing great insight into your present situation in life. You will learn how to neutralize the Saboteur within, thus transforming its power over you into your own empowerment. 

Pennell Rock has been presenting this workshop all over Europe with rave reviews. Following is a sampling of some of the appreciative comments:

"I keep in my heart, in my body and in my soul the memories of those days, and I'm still having benefits in my life and in my work."

"There is nothing airy fairy about this process, Instead it has giving me powerful tools to cope with the stresses of my daily life."

"This work awoke in me the realization that all problems in my outer world were a reflection of my inner world. When I recognized the strength of my inner Saboteur, I was able to fortify my inner spirit."

"His workshop allowed me to explore my different selves with depth and compassion. His facilitation provided a safety net for me to really go out on a limb."

"As of now, it has helped me to better accept myself, to be happier of myself; loosen the monster's grip has helped me to disidentify from it and to therefore have a more positive idea of myself; and this makes me more at peace, light and full of humor."

Click here to read more testimonials from participants around the world.

For a more detailed description of the full workshop, please click here.


Yin Yang



Pennell Rock William Pennell Rock, M.Litt. (Cantab.), PhD, is an internationally known teacher of Transpersonal psychology, psychodrama and performance. He has been trained at Yale, Harvard, King's College, Cambridge in England, the Jung Institute in Zurich, Esalen Institute, Arica Institute, and was a long-time disciple of Osho.

He is director of ORIGINS, producing theater and opera performances throughout the world. and is the author of Performing Inside Out.  In the last years he has been working primarily in Germany and Italy, but he is now introducing his work in Marin, where he resides.

For more information see the ORIGINS website: www.sacredperformance.com.


Register Now! Click above to register for the Thursday night session, which is an optional introduction/overview to the full 3 1/2-day workshop, Thurs., Fri., Sat. and Sun., July 14, 15, 16 and 17.

You may attend this Thursday night session only. Full workshop participants must attend Thursday night, July 14 through Sunday, July 17. If you decide to continue and participate in the rest of the workshop on the following days, you may register and pay for the remaining three days on Thursday night.

Click to register for the Thurs., July 14 First Session of the workshop.
Click to register for the Fri. - Sun. days of the workshop.

             To see more Sunrise Center Events, please click here.