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Expedito Enlightenment Center 
561 682 0955


Thursday July 31, 2014 at 7:30 PM 
Thursday July 31, 2014 at 9:30 PM 

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Expedito Enlightenment Center 
4047 Okeechobee Blvd
Habitat Plaza
West Palm Beach, FL 33409

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Chakra Vibration


Raise Your Vibration:
Shift Your Life

Thursday July 21, 7:30 - 9:30 PM; $25/30

7:15 PM Registration; 7:30 PM Class Start

Register Now!              Please choose in-person attendance or video/phone
                          conference attendance when registering.

How High is YOUR Vibration?

When you can raise your vibration and maintain
higher frequencies you'll have the power to manifest
all your desires. A raised vibration allows you to create
a stronger connection to Spirit,  manifest love, health and prosperity, and guard against low vibration entities.

In this class SarahSpiritual presents  you with techniques
to raise your vibration and sustain it.  You'll learn how
to connect to the Ascended Masters plus how to protect yourself from low-vibration energies and situations.

Register and Pre-pay by Wednesday, July 30
and attend for $25!  Save $5!

This Class will be VIDEO CONFERENCED!
Now you'll be able to SEE Sarah as well as
hear her by watching the class online! 
Experience the class just as if you were there!
Phone teleconferencing also available.

When regsitering please indicate if you will be
attending in-person at the Enlightenment Center or
by Video/Phone Conferencing. Thank you!

Raise Your Vibration