
>>> Virtual Participation: You are expected to actively participate in the training and to abide by the training requirements below.

  • You are recommended to log on 15 minutes prior to check your internet connection. For CEU credit, you are strongly encouraged to be logged on virtually within 5 minutes of the start of the training.
  • You must watch the virtual training LIVE to receive credit for the training. Telephone only option is not acceptable.
  • Polls and/or quizzes may be randomly given with a limited time for attendees to respond. You must complete the polls when prompted.
  • Continuing Education Credits will be offered for each session attended.

Event questions: miket@preventionnetwork.org

Registration issues, please contact: info@preventionnetwork.org


10th Annual Shoalition Showcase 2023


Conference: Tuesday, April 25 - 8:30am - 4:00pm

Showcasing Community Coalitions in Michigan, the Shoalition is a forum for you and/or your coalition to showcase the great things you are doing to prevent and reduce underage drinking! It will also provide coalitions, prevention professionals, and advocates with the tools needed to reduce underage drinking!

Continuing education credits offered.

MCBAP Credits Offered. 


$40 - Registration fee 
$30 - MCRUD Regional Representative/Partner (Code required)
$20 - Student Rate

You must register individually. Group registration is disabled due to special codes required. 

 Payment Methods: 
 Online Credit Card 

 By Check: MUST indicate in the memo line the name of the event and the particpant name.

 Payment must be made before the day of the training unless you make special arrangements. 

Makes checks payable: 

Prevention Network
3815 W. St. Joseph Ste A500
Lansing, MI  48917

Cancellation policy: You may cancel your registration and receive a refund, less a $20 processing fee up to 24 hours prior to the event. No refunds are available within 24 hours of the event. Once you register, you are personally responsible for the registration fee.