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California Society of Accounting & Tax Professionals 

Internal Revenue Service - Guide to QuickBooks Audit Technique


Anna M Thiering 
CSATP-SF/EB Chapter 


Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 6:30 PM 
Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 8:30 PM 

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Francesco's Italian Restaurant 
8520 Pardee Drive
(At Hegenberger Road)
Oakland, CA 94621

Driving Directions 

Board Members:

President: Donna Watson, djwretired@att.net

1st VP: Shelagh Gallagher, rightwaytax@gmail.com

2nd VP: Claudia Watson, ckw217@yahoo.com

Immediate Past Pres: Bobbie, 'BJ' Jarvis, beejaytax@sbcglobal.net

Treasurer: Jacke Hunt, jaqtaxlady@yahoo.com

Secretary: April McMahon, april.mcmahon@gmail.com


Committee Chairs:

Education: Claudia Watson, ckw217@yahoo.com

Membership: Vacant

Reservations: Anna Thiering, omathiering@yahoo.com

CPE Certification: Carole Owens, carole21447@yahoo.com

Newsletter & Reminders: Shelagh Gallagher, rightwaytax@um.att.com

Sandy Yates, Supervisory Revenue Agent in Santa Rosa, began her career with the IRS in 1986 as a Revenue Agent in the Chicago District.  She worked in various positions in the Small Business/Self Employed Division, and was an employment tax specialist for the Large & Mid-Sized Business Division.  After transferring to Northern California in 1995, she worked as a Revenue Agent in both SB/SE and LMSB in San Rafael and San Francisco.

She currently supervises 13 Revenue Agents in the Santa Rosa office.

She is a native of the Chicago area, and graduated with honors from Illinois Wesleyan University, where she earned a B.A. in both accounting and mathematics.

Message from the President

Welcome back!  As tax season winds down I keep asking myself if that’s really a light at the end of the tunnel or just another train headed in my direction.  2010 returns certainly had their challenges and I want to thank all of you that came to my assistance whenever I called with a question or “never had this before” situation.  I’m hoping when we meet at the end of the month we’ll have an opportunity to discuss what worked and what didn’t for each of us.

I am saddened to report the passing of two friends /members of our chapter.  Meg Bruynell, partner of long-time member and former chapter president, Bobbie Jarvis, passed away in March.  Meg was always a welcomed addition to our meetings and annual Symposiums.  She will be remembered for her kindness and willingness to help out whenever and wherever she could.  Beth Simpson Savano, whose tax practice was located in Walnut Creek, also passed away last month.  Beth was member of several tax organizations but once told me she “enjoyed our meetings the most”.  With her quiet and reserved manner she was a silent presence at our meetings until a subject about which she had a strong opinion came up….you knew she was there then!  Our hearts go out to the families of these wonderful women

We are very fortunate to have Sandra Yates, IRS Revenue from the Santa Rosa office, joining us this month.  Sandra’s one-hour presentation will be covering IRS QuickBooks audits, a subject near and dear to each of us, especially at this time of the year.

I hope these last few weeks of the tax season are profitable and go smoothly and I look forward to seeing you at Francesco’s on Tuesday evening, April 26th; networking begins at 6:30pm, dinner at 7pm.
