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Sundays for Fall of 2020 4:45-6:00pm


Jr High Room (W2020204)



Stacy Smith 
Alamo Heights United Methodist Church 

Fall 2020 Confirmation Class Registration 

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Fall 2020 Confirmation Class at Alamo Heights United Methodist Church!  We are honored to share this journey with you and your children.

AHUMC is a Christian community of love, hope, and belonging for all, and our mission is to partner with God in bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth by making disciples of Jesus the Christ. We recognize and celebrate that both you and your child are investing time and energy into that partnership for the Kingdom of Heaven, and we want to do all we can to create an experience of love, hope, and belonging on this confirmation road.

This fall, the confirmation tradition at AHUMC will continue with our latest crop of eighth graders—plus any high school students who may have missed participating in confirmation. We have crafted a course that we hope will provide a meaningful and manageable experience for both our students and their families.

We will meet on Sunday afternoons starting August 23 and ending November 8 from 4:45 - 6:00 pm online via Zoom and possibly in person later in the course (full schedule below). These sessions will encourage confirmands to learn and dialogue together about topics such as our history and heritage, our UMC beliefs and theology, and what life in a community of faith is all about.  Sessions will be facilitated by the AHUMC pastors and the Student Ministry staff.

Tentative Class Schedule (plus two possible field trips to visit other worship spaces)

August 23 1 Session 1
30  Session 2

September 6 NO CLASS (Labor Day Weekend)
13  Session 3
20  Session 4
27  Session 5

October 4  Session 6
11  NO CLASS (Columbus Day Weekend)
18  Session 7
25  Session 8

November 1 Session 9 + Rehearsal for Confirmation Sunday
8  One-on-One Reflection Conversations with Confirmands
15 Confirmation Sunday

To secure your child's space in the class, please complete the online registration by clicking on the "Register Now!" button below.  We're looking forward to the confirmation journey ahead!

Stacy Smith  |  Director of Student Ministry

*NOTE:  If you are registering more than one child (ex. twins, triplets) once you go to the registration page, you can click on the "Add" button under Additional Student Information and add siblings.