

Indiana University - Bloomington
1900 E. 10th Street
701 Eigenmann Hall
Bloomington, IN 47406

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NALRC Indiana University
National African Language Resource Center

NALRC New Brochures


A Second Language Acquisition Certificate Program for  African Language Instructors.

May 18 - 29, 2015


A two week intensive program that will allow you to participate in professional development focusing on quality instruction, curriculum and assessments for African Languages. It will also train fellows in a number of crucial areas central to the effective operation of an African Languages Program.


Graduate students in good standing in any African language, linguistics, cultural studies, literature, second language acquisition, or any related field at an accredited institution of higher education are eligible. African language instructors and scholars may also apply. Preference will be given to those who have not attended the Institute before. In addition, all applicants must demonstrate serious interest in African Language learning and teaching.


The NALRC will cover the program fees (such as registration fees, administration costs, and instruction costs) for all selected applicants. Participants will be responsible for their accommodation and other expenses such as transportation, food and books and are encouraged to ask for support from their respective language or area studies programs to cover expenses that NALRC will not cover.

Mode of Application

Applicants should submit: a) A letter of Application, b) an application form below, and c) supporting documents for the 2015 Second language acquisition Workshop by November 30, 2014.  Supporting documents include:

  • A CV
  • Two letters of recommendation indicating the importance of the training for the applicant. (One of the letters must be from the executive officer of the applicant's home department or African studies program or the Program’s Language Coordinator.)

Part I: Partcipant Application Form

Register Now!

Part II: Administrator or Supervisor Recommendation Form

Download the form HERE and ask a current administrator or Supervisor to fill it out and email it to nalrc@indiana.edu

Questions? Call (812) 856-4199 or e-mail nalrc@indiana.edu