

NALRC Indiana University
National African Language Resource Center

NALRC New Brochures


Professional Development for African Language Instructors.

May 15 - 26, 2017


A two week intensive program that will allow you to participate in a professional development focusing on the following themes:

  • Using Standards-Based, Thematically Organized, Backward Curriculum Design with Performance Assessment in the three Modes of Communication
  • Integrating Language, Culture and Content in LCTLs Classroom
  • Training participants to create a Learner-Centered Classroom
Graduate students in good standing in any African language, linguistics, cultural studies, literature, second language acquisition, or any related field at an accredited institution of higher education are eligible. African language instructors and scholars may also apply. Even if you have attended the NALRC institute before 2016 you can apply for this because this because we started a new set of themes that the NALRC is focusing on since 2016.is a  new set of themes that the NALRC will be focusing on this year. In addition, all applicants must demonstrate serious interest in African Language learning and teaching.


All participants are required to pay a none refundable registraton fees of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250).The NALRC will cover administration and instruction costs. However. participants will be responsible for their accommodation and other expenses such as transportation, food and books and are encouraged to ask for support from their respective language or area studies programs to cover expenses that NALRC will not cover.

Mode of Application

Applicants should submit:  an application form below, and b) supporting documents for the 2017 professional development Workshop by March 31, 2017.  Supporting documents include:

  • A CV
  • A statement of purpose; why you think you want to attent this workshop, what you expect if any and how it will help you in your future teaching responsibilities. (At least half of a page of 12 point font)
  • Two letters of recommendation indicating the importance of the training for the applicant. (One of the letters must be from the executive officer of the applicant's home department or African studies program or the Program’s Language Coordinator.)

Added Advantage:

All the participants will be able to learn some other African Lanaguages within the two weeks through the demo and micro teaching they will all participate in as a learner


Part I: Partcipant Application Form

Register Now

Part II: Administrator or Supervisor Recommendation Form

Download the form HERE and ask your current administrator or Supervisor to fill it out and email it to nalrc@indiana.edu. You could as well send this link (http://nalrc.indiana.edu/contact-us/supervisor-form) to him/her to fill electronically HERE

Questions? Call (812) 856-4199 or e-mail nalrc@indiana.edu