
Friday, October 19th, 2018 at 7:00 PM MST
Sunday October 21st  2018, at 5:00 PM MST

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Sundre Community Center

#3, 96 –2nd Ave., North West 

Sundre, AB T0M 1X0

Driving Directions 


Lois Unger email at:  lois.thehealingbarn@gmail.com
JSI  or call 403-636-0996


Ready to Make Your Good Life...Great?

So your life may be good, however you might be wondering how can you "take it up a notch" and make it great. Yes? Studies show, the pursuit of goals is a HUGE step to living life joyfully and purposefully. Interesting, right? By simply pursuing a goal you can be more joyful and feel more purposeful.

It's tricky though...since we aren't taught HOW to "pursue goals" or given a road map on how to discover our goals it creates confusion within that can lead to living life on...autopilot.

We all (to a certain extent) live life on autopilot...which causes us to experience the same routine consistently: waking, working, eating, watching TV, surfing the internet, and sleeping all to get up the next day and repeat the process. Deep down inside we know this repetitive rinse/repeat cycle isn't fulfilling or gratifying. 

In bed, late at night we stare at the ceiling, dreaming of a different kind of life, a life where we are more ALIVE, ENGAGED and FULFILLED.


You might even know other people who are rockin' their life, yet, you missed the memo on HOW YOU can live a life you LOVE.

If you are someone looking for more out of life and from yourself, you're in the right place. 

Imagine... a weekend LIVE workshop where you move past what's holding you back and step into a NEW, powerful best version of you! All while being with supportive and friendly people. If this sounds good to you, GREAT.

During the weekend, you will learn:

* The 5 Catalysts necessary to change anything you desire in life.

* What to DO on a consistent basis to easily achieve your goals and dreams (hardwork is not one of the steps.)

* Easily manifest anything you desire.

* Get the universe to work for you and through you.  

* Create a "Moxie Map" to help you discover your desires and navigate your path successfully overcoming any challenges and obstacles.

What is a Moxie Map you ask? It's a process to assist you to be Brave and Bold. To have Fortitude and Guts and Stamina. It's quite simply...You moving toward the very best YOU can Be/Do/Have. 

I can't tell you any more than that right now...you'll simply have to come to our weekend and create your very own Moxie Map. 

Oh, and of course, you'll Learn about the energy of money and how to earn Profit! 


This course will help you breakthrough what is holding you back and step into the very best version of YOU.

Whether you are a business professional, healer, coach, light worker, or employee you will get tremendous benefit from the weekend. 

Why would all that be helpful?  Well...did you know that everything in your life that you don't personally take charge of happens by default?  Think about the magnitude and the accuracy of that statement for a minute...that means if you are not actively engaged in your life, consciously choosing how to live each day, your life is happening automatically

Reminds me of the movie, "Groundhog Day" remember when Bill Murray kept having the same experiences each day to the point he knew exactly how his day was going to unfold? No surprise there! Does this sort of thing only happen in the movies or is it possible something like this could be happening in your life, right now?


"Training with Jaden is like being brought into a magical metaphysical fold. The water tastes a little cleaner and a little colder because you are suddenly tasting it with your entire self; your mind, spirit and body. You are bringing your whole self together, chatting with your ego as long lost friends, finding new and great tools that will last you a lifetime and even better becoming at peace with one and all in your environment. If I get an opportunity to take another course and the timing is right I will be there with bells on!“ ~ Susan E.


What if that life you are dreaming of can become your reality?  What if you had the power to take charge of your life and not live by default anymore, how would your life be different?

Would you get excited about waking up in the morning because you had purpose and clarity? Would you be more present with your family? Would you take a little more time walking the dog and stop to smell the flowers? Would you feel more alive, joyful and peaceful? Would you take more risks and stop living such a "ho-hum" life?

How would you change your day-to-day life? What could you create that is new and exciting?

Now... take a deep breath... and ask yourself, what could your new life look like? What does a bolder, more productive, happier YOU look like? What could you accomplish given the tools to overcome obstacles, and deal with setbacks? 

Let's face it...S**T happens, life is challenging and sometimes it absolutely sucks! The key is...HOW you deal with disappointment, setbacks and challenges. 

What if you knew ahead of time how you were going to deal with challenges? Maybe then you wouldn't be "blindsided" or taken off course or even (dare I say) devastated when things don't unfold how you planned. 

I love the saying attributed to Benjamin Franklin, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” So true     isn't it? Yet...how many take the time to plan for achieving a desire or goal? Yeah, sure we can scratch a few notes on paper and maybe even go as far as create a vision board. Yet, there's so much more to consider when pursuing goals. AND different issues arise depending on where you are on your journey. 

For example, let's talk about inspiration and self-doubt. Early on while pursuing your dreams you will have plenty of inspiration (due to your excitement of starting a new venture) while having an excess of self-doubt. As evidenced if you ever said, "who am I to try this __________" you know what I'm saying. 

However, as you continue to pursue your goals,  self-doubt will fall away and in time you might need a bit more inspiration to keep you going. 

All this to say, we will encounter different obstacles as we pursue our goals, wouldn't it be nice to know AHEAD of time how you will respond to those obstacles AND what tools you need to continue to confidently pursue your goals with enthusiasm! 

That's what you will get from this weekend. Skills / Tools / Knowledge / Inspiration to achieve what you decide for your Moxie Map. 

No fluff, just good ol' fashioned coaching from an intuitive coach who has helped thousands of people make profound changes in their life.

Students of mine have started new businesses, left jobs, increased their income, doubled their net worth, found more joy, lost weight, released addictions and found passion in their life.

It's amazing what happens when you create a plan and start believing in yourself.   You'll start taking more risks in life, not being so afraid to make changes and move to the next level. :)

In addition to creating your Moxie Map you will:

  Become Self-aware & get out of your own way

  Learn to Surrender and TRUST

 Discover How To Tap Your Inner Knowing Every Time Quickly & Easily

Network With Amazing Men & Women

Manifest with Ease and Grace

Get Money to Work For YOU, instead of working hard for it. 


Imagine...what your life will be like when YOU:

Life will BE fun, easy and much more joyful!  Join us for this amazing transformative weekend. 

Click on the Register Now button and lets get you started on the path of making some changes, it's YOUR Time!


This course includes ALL NEW CONTENT however; this is what some people have said about previous courses:

"Jaden kick-starts my motivation, moving me toward feeling more blessed with my current situation, opening my eyes to my dreams and desires, and helping me shift around anything that is blocking my success and happiness! Even an hour working with this amazing man has a profound effect on my motivation, focus, and personal and professional success!" ~ Michelle E. 

Jaden’s commitment and dedication creates a safe and accepting place to go beyond your state of comfort and truly grow. The group atmosphere enables learning as a community and creates a positive energy to move. Thank you Universe for bringing Jaden’s dedication into my world.” Cori G.

“This course is an opportunity. It is a gift to myself and I believe that absolutely anyone can benefit from being around Jaden’s energy. This weekend gave me new tools, reminded me of who I am and how spectacular I am and how worthwhile it is to take time for me. Jaden is a vibrant person who is sharing his gifts-I am so grateful that I have had this experience- It is an indicator that I am drawing in big things! Thank you thank you!” Kyla B.

“This was an excellent learning experience. I have created value in my personal life, my business and in my world by applying what I have learned from Jaden’s courses. Within six months of taking Jaden’s course I manifested $70,000. Powerful, moving and life changing describes what is in this course. I highly recommend you jump at the opportunity to take this course.” Tiffany G.

“Course is life changing! To be given permission to love myself again and to rediscover the joy of feeling like a child again is the most amazing gift, thank you Jaden, from the bottom of my heart!” Owen E.



This weekend will truly change your life! Your success is guaranteed. If after Saturday at noon, you are not absolutely loving the event you are welcome to leave and we will refund you no questions asked. How's that for a guarantee?

**Register early for the special pricing of ONLY $497.  + GST Or simply make a deposit of $250. + GST and the same amount within 30 days of the event. Click "Register Now!" for special event pricing. Tuition goes up September 29th, book today! 

**Workshop is half full, please book your spot today!

Please register early to ensure your spot!

Closest airport is Calgary, Alberta International airport. Event is approximately 45 minutes away from airport. Best Western Hotel in Sundre is recommended if you need accomodations. Registration fee excludes travel, food and lodging. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you soon! 


All my best,


Jaden Sterling

P.S. Ok...this is the best I can offer you, an amazing course, at an incredible price in a super great setting...Let's Do this :)

PPS Payment plans ARE available please contact us for more information!

*Tuition includes 18-Hours of quality, transformative training.  Hotel, airfare and other travel expenses not included. 

Make The Leap  Make Your Leap, it's time!