
Score Desk - 9am till Noon 
SCORE Nashville Chapter 72 


Saturday, August 15, 2020 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT

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ONLINE: Write Your Business Plan - 8/15/2020 (9AM to Noon) - C0072 

This interactive workshop will be held online via Zoom.

Why do you need a business plan?

There are many reasons we could list for developing a business plan, but here are just a few...

1)  To grow your existing business: Even if you already have a business, you will benefit from developing a solid business plan. It will help you figure out how to scale your business and help you discover where you need to allocate your resources.

2)  To create a new business: It will help you clarify what you really need to be doing in your business, where you need to place your focus, what resources you need, and how to allocate those resources.

3)  Developing a business plan will help you clarify every aspect of your business. It will also help you share that vision with others. Even if you are not planning on borrowing money for your venture, you still need a plan. And if you are borrowing money, you must have a plan.

Developing a business plan is not rocket science, so don't be intimidated by the process. We are here to help simplify the process and start you on the road to success in your business endeavor.

We believe, "If you can't plan it, you can't do it!" Business planning can be intimidating, but less so after you have attended this key workshop. It enhances the understanding and skills you will need in developing this vital tool.

If you have an idea, interested in pursuing your passion, or want to start a business and be your own boss, then you do not want to miss this event.

Instructor: Jay Morgan

Jay P Morgan’s experience includes founding or serving in senior roles in a number of organizations, including multiple private-sector businesses, public and private K-12 schools, and institutions of higher education.  As someone passionate about education, and who enjoys giving back, his experience includes a stint teaching high school students, as well as volunteering with various state and local education programs and charities.  He currently helps other small business owners both through SCORE and through Comstasis, a Nashville-based IT sales and services company.

$25 fee required at the time of registration by Pay Pal, credit or debit card.  

Registration will close at 5PM the night before.

Registered attendees will be notified of any changes or cancellations.