
Score Desk - 9am till Noon M-F 
SCORE Nashville Chapter 72 


Tuesday, December 15, 2020 from 6:30PM to 8:00 PM CDT

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This is an online event. 


ONLINE: Am I Ready to Start a Business? -12/15/20 (6:30PM to 8:00PM) - C0072 

This free online workshop is designed as the first step in the SCORE counseling process for clients who are planning to start a new business for the first time, but have not yet taken concrete steps to proceed.

Topics covered include discussion of the client’s motivation for starting a business, self-assessment of entrepreneurial qualities and a review of resources required. Other business considerations, such as starting a new business or buying an existing business, home-based versus outside location and sole ownership versus partnership are discussed.  After completing the workshop and when ready to proceed, clients will be assigned to a SCORE counselor to begin the one-on-one counseling process.

Instructor: Lee Spieker

Lee Spieker has founded a dozen companies over the past 30 years including online wholesale and retail, brick and mortar retail, wholesale and international product distribution.  He’s also developed and patented a number of products, managed financing,  intellectual property protection, sourcing, packaging, operations, marketing, training, sales, licensing and sale of assets.

Registration closes at 5PM on the night before.

Registered attendees will be notified of any changes or cancellations.