
Tuesday Dec 3, 2019 at 7:00 PM EDT
Sunday Dec 8, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT

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London Zen Centre 
923 Waterloo Street
London, ON N6A 3X3

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London Zen Centre 

Rohatsu Five Day Zen Retreat

A thousand mountains are covered with snow.
Why is one peak not white? ~ Zen koan

Rohatsu (December 8) marks the morning Buddha achieved realization. Sesshin is a deep Zen retreat and a rare opportunity for us to experience this same awkening.

There are healthy vegan meals, interviews with the teacher, Zen talks and discussions, music and lots of quiet warmth and community to settle into. Meditation experience is recommended however this retreat is open to everyone.

The retreat is both residential and non-residential. If you would like a more intimate experience of sesshin, there is room to stay at the Centre during the retreat. Please let us know what your preference is. Participants will receive an email after registering with information on what to bring and FAQ reference guide.

Retreat  Schedule

7-9pm: welcome, introductory talk, meditation

Wednesday to Saturday:
5am-9pm: meditation, interviews with the teacher, body movement, music, Dharma talks.

5am-3pm: meditation, interviews with the teacher, closing talk.

Cost:  $995, LZC Members $695
*Note: some scholarships avaialble. Send a note to info@londonzencentre.org.

This retreat is led by Guy Gaudry, Roshi.

After successfully training in Zen in the classical manner for 20 years, Guy went on to study koans, after which he received Dharma Transmission in the Zen line of John Tarrant and Robert Aitken. He now directs the London Zen Centre and teaches across Canada. Using meditation, koans, art, and conversation, Guy presents a direct and warm way to step into a more open and direct way of experiencing your life.