
Wednesday, January 11, 2023 from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM PST
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Restorative Justice on The Rise 
Restorative Justice on The Rise 

Workshop Guide: Molly Rowan Leach, Founder-Restorative Justice on The Rise, Former RJ NPO Director, more...(Bio)


Workplace Restorative? A Workshop 

Restorative Justice and Practices in The Workplace are not only possible, they are imperative, and especially for those of us offering RJ in communities. This 3-Hour online workshop is back by popular demand, is recorded, and comes with a thick stack of e-resources. Learn how the 3-Tier Model developed by Brenda Morrison applies to the "inside"! Sign up now for discounts through Wednesday!

It's amazing to observe the growth of the restorative justice movement in the US and globally. One big gap we've noticed is the lack of practices and policies to support those practices that can better support the geology of our offices and workplace environments. A shift from hierarchy to shared power and valuing voice/choice and relationship can and does work towards significant increases in productivity and even inspiration towards our shared mission and goals.

Your workshop guide is Molly Rowan Leach, a seasoned practitioner in restorative justice with hands-on experience guiding a non-profit program that worked alongside courts in Colorado. She is a published author, practitioner, and advocate of restorative justice as a result of her mother's incarceration over fifteen years, and has been recognized by global leadership in the field as a top notch podcast host

(see our itunes podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/restorative-justice-on-the-rise/id918262205

and she is driven by service to the global field and the upholding of best practices and deep questions that strive to help all social justice practitioners grow and improve in efficacy.

See you December 21st at 8am Pacific US/CAN, and don't forget it will be recorded if you can't make it live!