
Dayton Racquet Club 
51 S. Jefferson St. (parking garage)
Dayton, OH 45423

Driving Directions 


Melissa Cutcher 
Better Business Bureau 



January 23, 2018

Dayton Racquet Club, 40 N. Main St., Ste. 2900

11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

$30/WiBN Members and 
BBB Accredited Businesses and Charities, 

“Building a Process for Validating Your Strategic Initiatives”
As a senior executive in your organization, you are responsible for setting and overseeing the execution of strategies that will result in growth for your company. You are a seasoned leader who understands that strategic initiatives are only valuable if they are on point, successfully executed, and lead to an increase in your bottom line.
Nationwide, there is a growing trend toward utilizing Advisory Boards as a tool to:
 validate corporate strategies
 gain loyalty with key customers/partners
 align the internal team
 strengthen relationships
 gain market-driven perspectives
A masterfully designed and executed advisory board provides C-suite leaders with the insights and validation needed to ensure that the company you lead is heading in the right direction now and into the future. Advisory boards drive loyalty by giving your key stakeholders a seat at your table and at the same time, provide the structure to align your internal team around the strategies that will move your company forward.
In this interactive workshop, Betsy will:
• Illustrate the strategic value of Advisory Boards
• Clarify the difference between a Board of Directors and an Advisory Board
• Present best practices when launching an Advisory Board
• Give tips on how to recruit the right people to have a seat at your table
This workshop is for anyone who wants to:
• Ensure that their strategic initiatives are on point
• Have a process for fully understanding the needs and priorities of their customers • Become a trusted advisor rather than a commoditized vendor
• Build loyalty with the decision makers of their key accounts
• Align their internal team around the strategic objectives of the organization


Speaker: Betsy Westhafer

Betsy Westhafer is the Founder and CEO of The Congruity Group, a consultancy that helps B2B executive leaders win in business by bulletproofing and validating their strategic initiatives. Betsy is also an experienced strategic designer and facilitator of Executive-Level Customer Advisory Boards. She is a successful entrepreneur and mentor, currently serving as a mentor in the University of Dayton’s Crotty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership. She also serves on faculty of the Forbes #1 Not-to-Miss Business Acceleration Conference, CEO Space International, and was recently featured in Inc. magazine for her work with Advisory Boards.


*If paying with a credit card, your bank statement will reflect a transaction from WePay. 

Cancellation notice must be given three business days prior to an event. While we understand that plans and schedules change causing missed events, we are often held financially liable for the headcount we provide vendors and, as a nonprofit, cannot absorb these charges. Invoices will be sent to individuals who register but don't pre-pay and provide sufficient cancellation notice. Registrants who are not able to cancel three days prior to an event may send another individual from their company in their place. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.