
Ted German 
Emerge: Counseling & Education to Stop Domestic Violence 
617 547 9879 


Wednesday May 8, 2013 at 8:00 AM 
Friday May 10, 2013 at 5:30 PM 

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Arlington Unitarian Universalist Church 
630 Massachusetts Avenue
Arlington, MA 02476

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Emerge: Counseling and Education to Stop Domestic Violence


Counseling Abusers:

An Introductory Course at Emerge


May 8-10, 2013
 First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church

630 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, MA 02476


Over 22 hours CEU's for Social Workers,

 Mental Health Counselors and Alcohol Counselors!


Co-sponsored by

Massachusetts Department of Public Health &

Jane Doe, Inc.


Who Should Attend


This course is intended for anyone working with families affected by domestic violence. Past participants include batterer intervention program group leaders, supervisors and administrators, social workers, victim advocates, correctional staff, psychologists, violence prevention educators, substance abuse counselors, health care workers, probation and police officers, clergy, military personnel, and program managers.  Participants will learn the Emerge curriculum and how it compares to other models. The training is structured to be highly interactive, including several participant role plays. This interactive structure allows participants to acquire and practice skills to be used in leading groups. For participants who work with victims and don't intend to lead groups, this training is a primer on what happens in abuser intervention groups. The course meets BIP group leader training requirements in Massachusetts and in many other states. Over the past 6 years, over 1000 people from 45 states and 15 nations have taken this course.  



Course tuition is $250 for the first person and $175 for each additional person from the same agency.

Course Faculty
Danger Assessment 1


David Adams, Ed.D., is Co-founder and Co-Director of Emerge.  David has 30 years of experience working with men who batter and six years experience facilitating parenting education groups. He has published numerous articles about domestic violence. David is past Co-Chair of the Justice and Accountability (Criminal Justice) Committee of the Massachusetts Commission on Sexual and Domestic Violence and current member of the Governor's Council on Domestic and Sexual Violence. David has done training in over 36 states and 12 nations.  He currently leads an ongoing group at Emerge.


Susan Cayouette, Ed.D., is Co-Director at Emerge. Susan has been a group leader and clinical supervisor at Emerge for 23 years and a mental health clinician for 14 years. She has lectured around the United States and four countries on work with victims and abusers, and has authored articles on women who work with batterers, lesbians who batter, and the connections between battering and substance abuse. Susan also currently leads two ongoing groups at Emerge.


Ted German, Ph.D., is Director of Training at Emerge. Ted has 22 years of experience working on domestic violence issues. He began co-facilitating groups at Emerge in 1987 and was Counseling Coordinator and Co-Director of Emerge from 1991-1993. From 1994 until his return to Emerge in 2002, Ted was a group leader and supervisor for two other abuser programs. In addition to his training duties, Ted currently leads an ongoing group at Emerge.