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Karen Yarger & Gary Brock
Seminar Committee Co-Chairs
Chula Vista Genealogical Society  619-426-0834  619-475-4054



Saturday March 30, 2013

9:00AM to 4:00 PM PDT

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Chula Vista Golf Course 
4475 Bonita Rd.
BONITA, CA 91902

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Chula Vista Genealogical Society

 Spring Seminar

  "Do Your Genes Fit?  Discover Your DNA"

Featured Speaker: CeCe More

DNA Double Helix Photo of CeCe MooreDNA Double Helix

Do you want to know all about DNA genetic testing and how it can help you learn about your ancestors? Mark  your calendars for March 30th, 2013. CVGS will present renowned genetic genealogist CeCe Moore for a lively and informative day-long seminar.

CeCe is a professional genetic genealogist.  She loves to help others discover more about their family heritage through DNA testing. She has close working relationships with all of the major genetic genealogy testing companies.  As such, her work includes: Lead Ancestry Ambassador for 23andMe, Moderator for the ISOGG DNA Newbie List, Advisory Board for the Mixed Roots Foundation and Co-Director of the Global Adoptee Genealogy Project, International Society of Genetic Genealogy's Regional Coordinator for Southern California, Volunteer Administrator for the Proctor, Travis and the Adopted DNA Projects at Family Tree DNA, and Administrator for the ISOGG Wikipedia. She is also a frequently presenter on the subject of genetic genealogy.

We'll learn about the various DNA tests available, how to read and understand the results and how they'll apply to researching our family trees.

You're encouraged to take advantage of 23andMe's spectacular $99 deal for the genetic test  and to bring your test results to the seminar so CeCe can help you interpret them.  But do it soon - the results may take 3 weeks to return to you.

The seminar will be held at the Chula Vista Golf Course in Bonita from 9am to 3pm on that Saturday, and includes a catered lunch. The fee to CVGS members is $35, $40 to non-members and late registrants after March 22.    Registration information will follow - keep your eye on our CVGS website   and on our Facebook page.  Or contact Karen Yarger at 619-426-0834 or Gary Brock at 619-475-4054