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Chula Vista Genealogical Society 

 Spring Seminar

  "Recipe for Genealogy"

Event Contacts

Susi Pentico - Seminar Committee Chair  619-623-5250

Virginia Taylor - President  619-425-7922


Event Date

March 29, 2014  9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Chula Vista Golf Course
4475 Bonita Rd.
BONITA, CA 91902

Driving Directions 

This is our anual fundraising event to support our high school scholarship program. We award multiple grants to winners of a genealogy centered essay contest open to graduating seniors in all high schools of the Sweetwater Unified School District. These grants are intended to help graduates with their post high school endeavors. The better we do with this seminar, the more winners we can select and the more grants we can award.

This year's Seminar will be on Saturday, 29 March 2014 at the Chula Vista Golf Course, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be a served luncheon included at this event. The fee for CVGS members will be $40, and $45 for non-members until March 16, then $45 for members and $50 for non-members.

 The theme for the seminar is “Recipe for Genealogy” and the  speakers will be the exciting and entertaining Jean Wilcox Hibben,  PhD, MA, CG, and her equally talented husband Butch Hibben. They will share  one talk, and Butch will be working the “Legacy Stories” program with  attendees. Jean will give three more talks.

 The topics to be presented are:

1. This is not Your Grandma's Genealogy

2. Elizabeth

3. Lesson's learned from Genealogy Roadshow

4. Up Close and Personal

Scholarship Fund Basket

The Society will also be raffling a special basket of kitchen ceramics for our Scholarship Fund at this Seminar. The basket holds ceramic goodies such as measuring cups, a mixing bowl, stirring utensils, and a cookie tray with a sugar cookie recipe on it. In addition, the large basket and a decorating kit are included.

We will be selling tickets at programs, workshop meetings and all other events until the Spring Seminar. Hopefully, this will give our scholarship fund a real boost. You do not need to be a member to purchase a ticket or be present at the seminar when the numbers are called.