MCS Logo 2011  Dungeons and Dragons goes Virtual!


Musical Chairs Studio, Inc. 


Virtually until in person classes are possible.  Zoom links will be provided upon registration.


The heart of popular game Dungeons & Dragons is about storytelling in worlds of sword and sorcery. It shares elements with childhood games of make-believe.

In this virtual version, professional actor and host, Pavi Proczko will guide students to create characters and team up with other adventurers. Working together, the group might explore an imaginary dark dungeon, a ruined city, a haunted castle, a lost temple deep in a jungle, or a lava-filled cavern beneath a mysterious mountain. Players solve puzzles, talk with other characters, battle fantastic monsters, and discover fabulous magic items and other virtual treasure.

Mondays or Wednesdays 4:30 - 6:00 pm

Session 1: September - Mondays or Wednesdays

Session 2: October - Mondays or Wednesdays

Session 3: November - Mondays or Wednesdays (final class on Dec. 2)

Tuition:  $100.00 per session (discounted for multiple sessions)

Program will be held via zoom until in person is available again.

Register Now! To learn more about Musical Chairs Studio, visit us online at

or on Facebook at


Musical Chairs Studio 2124 W Lawrence  Chicago, IL. 60625

email: tel: 773.609.4-MCS