The Bar Exam Cram Sheets.

The Bar Exam Cram Sheets provide a condensed coverage of the black letter law, including concise definitions and approaches that are easy to memorize in the final days leading up to the bar exam. Each subject is 2 to 4 pages in length. Each topic includes approaches, the recommended headings you should use on your essay answers, and California distinctions (highlighted in red). This highly effective tool, has helped hundreds of students focus on what they really need to know for the California bar exam. Click the links below for excerpts of the Bar Exam Cram Sheets.


Criminal Procedure Cram Sheet Excerpt

Consititutional Law Cram Sheet Excerpt

Evidence Cram Sheet Excerpt

Sample Essays & Predictions.

The Bar Exam Guru provides our students with emails that include her insights (or predictions) for February 2017 Bar Exam as well as essays for review and writing practice. Each bar round these emails are tailored to what was most recently tested and what has not been tested recently on the exam. The odds are that you will, like our past students, see an essay on the exam that is similar to what we sent out. This is because the bar examiners repeat exam fact patterns over and over again. 

A study plan for the last ten days of study.

Students receive a ten day study plan to utilized during the final (and most critical) ten days leading up to the bar exam. We will help you adapt our study plan to your schedule whether you are an attorney taker, someone who is studying full time, or someone who is working full time and can only study on nights and on weekends. We make sure you have a plan to make those final days count!

Feel free to contact our office for more information about this program.

Thank you for choosing Bar None Review! All sales are final.


Lisa Duncanson

Bar Exam Guru
