
Wednesday February 19, 2014 before 5:00 PM.  Dinner served at 6:30 pm.  The first session begins at 7:30 p.m.

Sunday February 23, 2014 at 9:00 AM MST after breakfast.
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Kenyon Ranch, 80 Kenyon Ranch Road, Tubac, Arizona 85640   Telephone: 1-520-398-8073

The Ranch often does NOT show up on GPS systems. See Driving Directions below.


ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE: Arrive: Wednesday, February 19, BEFORE 5 p.m. Departure is Sunday, February 23, after breakfast.

TRANSPORTATION: The nearest airport is Tuscon, Arizona (TUS). You may also find flights into Phoenix (PHX) that are less expensive but you will need to allow more time and spend money on shuttles or a rental car.

If your flight arrives after 9:00 pm (21:00) into Tucson or Phoenix, we ask you to make arrangements to stay at an airport hotel for the night and make arrangements for the shuttles the next morning.  There will not be staff at the Ranch to assist you upon arrival.  Thank you. 

Email complete flight information before February 1 2014, to elaine@sacredpathministry.org so she can arrange the shuttle service.  The ride to the Ranch is approximately 60 minutes from the Tucson airport, 3 hours from the Phoenix airport.

We estimate the cost  from Tucson to be $30 one- way &  does not include a tip for the driver which is recommended. Payment to the driver is paid in USD. NO credit cards are accepted.

If arriving into Phoenix, make arrangements with the Arizona Shuttle service yourself and use the destination INA ROAD.  Notify Elaine by February 1 if you wished to be picked up there and brought to Kenyon Ranch.  The shuttle is two hours and allow another hour to arrive at the Ranch.  The cost is not included in the event fee.  

Driving Directions: The Ranch is 50 miles south of Tucson, Arizona, off US highway I-19. Take I-19 south from Tucson. Take Exit 34. RIGHT at stop sign. RIGHT at next stop sign onto Frontage Road. LEFT onto Kenyon Ranch Road/Keating Circle. At sharp right turn, GO LEFT and then immediately right onto a dirt road. Follow signs to Kenyon Ranch.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Double/triple occupancy rooms are available in casitas. Single occupancy requests will be granted if space is available. Event Fee includes Wednesday-Saturday nights February 19-22, 2014 lodging and meals.

Extra Days: If you plan to arrive early or stay longer,  please contact Joyce at the Ranch to make those arrangements. jwinoughrm@cox.net  You may pay by US check, USD cash or by credit card with an additional fee directly to the Ranch for extra nights, and meals upon arrival. 

WHAT IS PROVIDED FOR YOUR STAY. Towels for shower and swimming are provided as well as soap, bedding, flashlights, snacks, and, of course, meals. 

ROOMMATE(S) PREFERENCE: Before registering, please be sure that you have made an agreement with your roommate. Many of the casitas have separated sleeping spaces. We will attempt to place people who snore in appropriate sleeping rooms. 

WEATHER: Daytime temperatures are around a high of 65-75 F or 18-23 C. Night temperatures can drop to 40 F or 4 C and below. 

WHAT TO BRING: Clothing that can be easily layered, sweater or jacket for cold evenings,, shawl for the meeting room, swim suit for the hot tub, notebook/pen. Closed-toed shoes (running shoes, hiking boots) are most appropriate foot wear. House slippers or indoor shoes for wearing in the lodge. You may wash your clothes at the Ranch.

DIETARY PREFERENCES: Menu options are: Traditional with no pork and Vegetarian.   Gluten Free and Vegan options are available for an additional $10 per day.

There is always hot water and coffee available. If you have special teas, drinks or necessary and specialized food items to make your stay enjoyable, please bring them with you. There are refrigerators and a freezer to store your special food.  Expresso cofffee shop is ten minutes drive from the Ranch.

PHONE/INTERNET SERVICE: There are no public phones available. There is moderate to good cell phone coverage outside the buildings. International cell phones are often usable. Please check with your service before leaving home. There is wifi internet coverage in several places on the Ranch and a desk top computer and printer for guest use.

REGISTRATION FEE:  $735 This cost includes four nights, all meals beginning with dinner on Wednesday through Sunday breakfast and organizational expenses.

 DEPOSIT:  To guarantee your space, send $400 when you register. The balance is to be paid before you arrive.

PAYMENT: Payment may be made by credit card or PayPal. If you are paying by check, make the check payable to Office of the Grand Master and mail to: Elaine Andres, Sacred Path Ministry, 1430 Willamette, #504, Eugene, OR 97401.  Payment may also be made in cash upon arrival in special circumstances. Please email the contact person below if you wish to pay cash upon arrival.

NOT INCLUDED IN THE COST: Transportation to and from the Ranch, special diets, extra days before or after the event, and interpretation costs.

INTERPRETATION: Those needing interpretation are responbile for notifying the organizer by December 1, 2013 for arranging interpretation or you can bring your own interpreter. It is possible that others in the same language group may wish to attend and therefore will share the costs.

REGISTRATION: To register, please click the Register Now! button and fill out the form. 

Contact Person if assistance is needed.

Elaine Andres  

    Reiki For a Better World

Regenerating Our Purpose

February 19-23, 2014   Kenyon Ranch Arizona

In Support of the Vision: Reiki Home


Ranch cropped

As a child in the United States, Phyllis Furumoto was told over and over the story of the American pioneers, people who responded to a strong inner calling to strike out for unknown territory to discover and build a new life in the Western United States.  Now, as she becomes an elder, this story has new resonance and meaning for her.

The pioneers took with them everything that was precious to them…..books, furniture, jewelry, family members, their ideas, beliefs, limitations, and a dream of new potential.  Over the months of the trek, through hardships no one could explain or pass on in words, these precious things were left by the side of the path as people died or the oxen pulling the wagons needed a lighter load.  What had seemed so precious in the past life turned out to be unnecessary in the journey through to a different life, a different way of thinking, and different priorities. 

 Over and over the pioneers were asked by the conditions of the journey ”Do you really need this?  Is this really important?  What is the real dream?”  They gave up their ideas of what a woman was supposed to do and not do.  They gave up what a man was supposed to be or not be.  They learned how much a human being could endure physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  They buried their loved ones along the trail and birthed new life on the trail.  Their children grew strong and resourceful.

This is the model we hold for the journey we are on.  We will need to let go of the restrictions that we have placed on Reiki, on our way of being, and on our children/students.  We are called to set aside our human need for what is familiar and our desire to limit the world to what we know and believe.  We will discover a “new land” that has resources and a way of being that allows us to use all the experiences we have gathered on our Reiki journey.   We will be able to nourish an energetic field  that will serve as a foundation for the generations to build upon.  

Resources for Regenerative Thought

Ben Haggard, Jessica Palin, and Phyllis Furumoto each carry years
of being with Reiki, find their gifts have application in the development of Reiki Home, and have a calling to support the Reiki Community in taking its next step as a developing spiritual practice that will put Reiki into the mainstream of global choice for healing and regeneration.

They invite you to bring your questions, your doubts, your willingness to explore, and your enthusiasm for Reiki and adventure!

Ben Haggard



Ben Haggard: Santa Fe NM USA
Landscape & Community Designer.
Resource for shifting paradigms.


Jessica Palin


Jessica Palin: Suffolk England UK
Professional Percussionist, Music
Therapist, Facilitator for Personal
Development Groups.

Phyllis Furumoto


Phyllis Furumoto: Tucson AZ USA
Reiki Master, Lineage Bearer of Usui
Shiki Ryoho, and Educator.