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TELUS Spark 


Thursday March 15, 2012 from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM MDT

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TELUS Spark - Feature Gallery North 
220 St. George's Drive
Calgary, AB T2E 5T2

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PZ Myers Photos

Registration is required for this event. Admission is FREE for this lecture in the TELUS Spark Feature Gallery.

General Admission must be purchased to access TELUS Spark exhibits and Galleries.

What can we expect aliens on other worlds to look like? Some scientists argue that evolution will inevitably produce forms of life we'd find familiar – so maybe we'd see humanoid aliens, as in popular science fiction movies and TV shows.

Another perspective – and one Dr. Myers will be taking – is that evolution has so many possible solutions that we ought to expect aliens to be wildly different than Hollywood's depictions and, well, alien. Dr. Myers will discuss why life's solutions are not inevitable, but dependent on many unpredictable factors.

Dr. P.Z. Myers is Associate Professor of Biology at University of Minnesota Morris. He is well known in evolutionary biology for his popular and often controversial blog, Pharyngula. He is a frequent speaker at conferences on skeptical science, often sharing the stage with Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Lawrence Krauss, Eugenie Scott, and other popular scientists in the field of evolutionary biology, physics and cosmology.

His free lecture is a presentation of the Calgary Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, as their annual Peter Sim Memorial Lecture, dedicated to the memory of Centre member and local science popularizer Peter Sim.

Recommended for Ages 16+. Limited Seats - Only 325 available.
Registration will close the day of the event.

This presentation is FREE. General Admission is required to access TELUS Spark Galleries.