
Church of the Holy Eucharist 
609 268 7742 

Take the Next Step! 

Consider doing something extraordinary!  Perhaps you are already part of ministry here at Holy Eucharist or perhaps you have not yet involved yourself in serving.  Would you consider the Next Step?  We have a place for you to serve and a role that only YOU can fill!   Consider serving in one of our important weekend ministries:  The Welcome Center, Kidzone, Children’s Word, the Cafe or Greeters.   Serve even just once to see if it's a fit for you!  You’ll see what the ministry is like, meet some other people and ask all the question you want before committing further.  We’ll train you and make you feel comfortable in the role that you choose!  Click the form below and we'll be in contact with you.  

Some details on these ministries:

Kidzone and All Stars

 Assist in our early childhood program for ages 6 months– 3 years during 5:00 pm Saturday, 8:30am or 10:30am Mass on Sunday.  Held in the Faith Formation wing, help spread God’s Word to the youngest among us.  Spend some time assisting with playing, storytelling and singing with pre-school children. Teens welcome

Time Commitment:  Arrive 20 minutes before the start of Mass and stay 15 minutes after.  To attend Mass, you will need to choose a  Mass time other than the one you are serving in Kidzone

 Children’s Word—Young Believers ( grades 1-3) and Faith Explorers (grades 4-6)

Assist in our vibrant Children’s Liturgy of the Word program available at all weekend Masses.  Children hear the Word and message at age appropriate levels.  Assist the leaders engage the children in various activities.  Teens  Welcome!

Time Commitment: Arrive 15 minutes before the start of Mass.  You are able to attend Mass after the children are returned to the main worship space after the homily. 

Welcome Center

Assist in  welcoming parishioners and guests before and after Mass. Provide information about our parish to visitors, assist with various sign ups and distribution of literature and provide mass cards.  Training is required and thorough instructions are provided

Time commitment:  Arrive 20 minutes before the start of Mass.  You are able to attend Mass and then return to the center following Mass until all have been served—usually no more than 10 minutes after Mass.


Assist serving others in our Cafe after 5:00pm Saturday, 8:30am or 10:30am Sunday Mass.  Put on the coffee,  set out the refreshments, serve guests and do a bit of clean up at the end! Have a weloming spirit and a smile.  Have your whole family serve together!

Time commitment:  Arrive 20 minutes before the start of Mass. Remain after mass approximately one half hour until the guests are served and clean up complete


Greet vistiors to our parish before weekend masses.  We want to be certain that everyone who enters our doors know that they are welcome.  A great ministry to serve as a family.  Even your youngest or oldest family member can welcome our guests!

Time Commitment:  Arrive 20 minutes before the start of Mass.  Sign in and pick up a welcome badge and door assignment.  Stay at your post until Mass begins.


The Trenton Diocese has mandated that all parishes comply with the “Protecting God’s Children” Program.  Diocesan policy requires background checks for all volunteers who have contact with children and young people.  Background checks will be obtained through fingerprint analysis conducted by the New Jersey State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  A Volunteer Application and Code of Conduct must also be completed.  All volunteers are required to attend a Virtus “Protecting God’s Children” session.
If you are an adult or teen over the age of 18 and wish to volunteer you must comply with the Diocesan “Protecting God’s Children” Program.  Please contact Christine Webb at for more information.