
Thursday, April 27, 2023 from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM EDT
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Center for Deep Green Faith


Good News for the Whole Creation: A Green Reading of the Resurrection Narratives

Thursday, April 27 at 7:30 ET/ 6:30 CT

In the Gospel according to Mark, the risen Jesus commands his disciples to "proclaim the good news to the whole creation." What is the significance of the Resurrection for non-human creation? How do these narratives speak to discipleship in the present age of climate crisis and ecological fracture?

Join Deep Green Faith for an Eastertide presentation and conversation about the implications of Christ's risen body not just for the whole of humanity, but for the whole of the created world.

The Rev. Phil Hooper serves as Associate Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana and is a member of the Creation Care Commission for the Diocese of Northern Indiana. He is a contributing author and speaker for variety of projects throughout The Episcopal Church, including the journal Earth & Altar; Sermons that Work; and the podcast Prophetic Voices: Preaching and Teaching Beloved Community, including a recent episode on preaching Earth Day. He has recently joined Deep Green Faith's leadership efforts after completing the Center's yearlong Contemplation & Care for Creation certificate program. 

What to Expect

After announcements and introductions, the guest speaker will take 20 - 30 minutes to present on the webinar topic. This will be followed by a panel discussion with Center staff and guests. There will then be time for questions and answers from the attendees.

We encourage you to arrive a few minutes early to work out any connection issues.