
Wednesday, August 5, 2020 from 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM EDT
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Jackie Aldrich 
HUGS, Inc. 

Connecting Virtual to Reality: Using Virtual Engagement Tools To Better Connect 

If you had to guess, how many virtual meetings have you sat through in the past 4 months? For a lot of people it can feel like you are constanly on a Zoom Meeting or a webinar that consists of talking you through a powerpoint with no interaction. IT'S TIME TO CHANGE IT UP! 

Join us for a training on how we can use virtual platforms to better engage those in the work we do. Instead of becoming "Zoomed Out" lets learn how to use these virtual tools to keep your participants engaged in your message. 

About Our Presenter


Jeremy D. Butler, is the Director of Community Initiatives for ICAN (formerly Kids Oneida). a co-chair of the Mohawk Valley Regional Youth Justice Team and the incumbent President of the Oneida County Youth Services Council.  ICAN has a vision to Keep Families Together.  In his current position, Jeremy oversees all School-Based, Juvenile Justice, and Community Education programs working to carry out this vision. He has helped to create, implement and oversee the service design, implementation and evaluation for these programs. 

In addition, he is a Teacher for Madison Oneida BOCES and an Event Specialist for Grand Dynamics International where he helps to create, coordinate and implement dynamic and engaging leadership experiences for groups, in both the public and private sector, all over the world. He has spent the past 15 years doing freelance Experiential/Adventure based programming ranging from teambuilding workshops, High Ropes Challenge Courses, Outdoor Education, and Leadership Development among an array of other milieus. 

His passion and dedication are relentless to support the children and youth of our community.  He continues to find ways to inspire, challenge and redirect many of our most impassioned at-risk youth.