2020 July Quarterly Meeting Registration

Please join us for the 2020 - FSIM July Quarterly Meeting! David Motzenbecker: "Tapping into the Spirit of the Forest for Your Wellbeing"


Tuesday, July 14, 2020 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM CDT


This is an online event.


Peg Ganey
Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest
* Email address:

* Confirm email address:

Look who else is already registered!

Hinda Abrahamson 
Elaine Anderson 
Nancy Baxter 
Barbara Bobrowitz 
Pam Braunwarth 
Mary Conley 
Kathy Connors 
Joanne Dalby 
Diana DiCristina 
Michelle Doilney 
Megan Eagledale 
Sonia Ellis 
Sandy Forseth 
Cathy Galvin 
Peg Ganey 
Peggy Hanson 
Michele Heisler 
Carole Hyder 
Lisa Janusz 
Ellen Johnson 
Victoria Kaupp-Barkhoff 
Carol Klein 
Cheryl Larson 
Rachel Loeslie 
Carol Martinson 
Deborah Miller 
Jane Petrich 
Robin Rick 
Ellen Schultz 
Carol Seiler 
Lynn Stokke 
Carolyn Vinup 
Jane Voxland