Racial Justice Training Wait list

Join our wait list for upcoming Unlearning Racism: Tools for Action Series or Conversations on Race Series. Once we announce a course, you will be the first to be notified.


Trenlan Krueger
YWCA Southeast Wisconsin
* Email address:

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Look who else is already registered!

Sybil Bell 
Steve Boylan 
Elizabeth Brodek 
Andrea Burkholder 
Fil Carini 
Cathy Cooper McKibban 
Kate Cronk 
Natalie Czarkowski 
Leslie DeLain 
Anna Donovan 
Rhonda Frank-Loron 
Susan Hartwick 
Sarah Hawks 
Amanda Henderson 
Alexandria Kohn 
Andrea Lee 
M. Kent Mayfield 
Ruth McEwen 
Kathy Miller 
Carrie Nelson 
Lindsey O'Connor 
Tamara Patton 
Nancy Peterson 
Kerry Pinkner 
Lisa Rasmussen 
Kenneth Ryback 
Jenny Stahl 
Patty Stark 
Mary Kay Wagner 
Vicki Webster 
Dashal Young