
Thursday February 27, 2014 from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM EST
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Ron Joyce Centre 
4350 South Service Road
Burlington, ON L7L 5R8

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The HalTech Team 
HalTech Regional Innovation Centre 
905-845-9430 ext.2761 

The Power in Negotiation 

Have you ever lost business or money because the other company could negotiate better than you? Don't let that happen ever again. Join HalTech and KARRASS to learn the skills needed to negotiate successfully. With over one million people having attended Karrass' full day seminar on negotiating, make sure you are one in a million !

This event will not only give you face to face time with negotiation experts but you will also receive a hardcover book, course workbook, the KARRASS Compass and a set of 6 informational CD's. This opportunity is valued at over $600. If you register through HalTech, the fee is only $399 for non-clients and service providers. Are you a HalTech client?   then the fee is just $99 !! Then contact us to get your discount code and get even more bang for your entrepreneurial buck! 

Hurry, spaces are limited.


Think someone else might be interested? Pass this great opportunity along!