You are invited to join us 
 Saturday, January 9th as we gather online
 for the Winter Meeting!

1/2 day of lectures, discussion and networking

Free registration and 4.5 CMEs available
Registration Button

8:00     Greetings/Intro

8:05     Michael G. Vitale, MD MPH

Landing Safely Every Time: Lessons for Spine Surgeons Learned from Aviation

8:45     Cases/discussion

10:00   Break (The edu space will close and everyone will head over to a “break/network” space where vendors are present.)

10:30   Pablo J. Diaz-Collado, MD

Radiographic Evaluation and Surgical Planning of Adult Spinal Deformity

11:30   Cases/discussion

12:00   Break as above

12:30   Cases/discussion

1:30     Close

Links for the event will be sent out on Friday

Drop a line to sign up for a case presentation:


Registration Button


Thank you to our sponsors!