
Alice Osborn 
Write From the Inside Out 


Tuesday January 8, 2013 at 11:00 AM 
Tuesday January 8, 2013 at 12:15 PM 

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Webinar Series 
9660-138 Falls of Neuse #294
Raleigh, NC 27615

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Fiction Editing Boot Camp with Alice Osborn
Webinar Series 

Fiction Editing Boot Camp with Alice Osborn

Location: Online Webinar Series
Fiction Editing Boot Camp with Alice Osborn

Location: Online Webinar Series (Call numbers for Go To Meeting will be provided upon registration)
consecutive Tuesdays: January 8th, 15th and 22nd

Time:  11am - 12:15pm

Cost: $149

WebinarThis intensive online workshop series is for editors and writers who are interested in breaking into freelance fiction editing.  Both novelists who are submitting to agents or who go the self publishing route want to present their best work, need dedicated freelance editors! This three-week series will cover the publishing process and will give you confidence with using style guides.

We will cover specific editing concerns such as timelines, characters, point of view, revision and more. Also, students will gain more confidence with copyediting, rewriting, logic, flow, voice, point of view, characterization, setting, and more. On the freelance business end, we'll also discuss time management, communication, and other smart business practices.

This webinar series will be recorded so you won’t miss the lesson if you cannot make the “live” class.

About Alice:

Alice OsbornAlice Osborn, M.A. is the author of three books of poetry: After the Steaming Stops (Main Street Rag, 2012), Unfinished Projects (Main Street Rag, 2010) and Right Lane Ends (Catawba, 2006); she is a manuscript editor, successful blogger and powerful speaker. Alice has her MA in Rhetoric and Composition from NC State, is a former English teacher and current creative writing teacher and is the author of three books of poetry. In addition, she is also the editor of Tattoos, a short fiction anthology from Main Street Rag. Alice teaches creative writing all over the country where she uses sensory images and road-tested prompts to stimulate her students’ best work. Her work has appeared in Raleigh’s News and Observer, The Pedestal Magazine, and in numerous journals and anthologies. Visit her website at