Sponsorships are great ways to recognize family and friends or special occasions while helping us bring high-quality journalism to coastal North Carolina. Sponsorships appear at the bottom of the front page and are seen  by thousands of people each day.

Daily sponsorships are $50. You can also choose a three-day sponsorship for $100 or a full week, which includes a weekend, for $150.

Sponsorship Examples

You can sponsor a day to celebrate a birthday, remember your wedding anniversary or honor the memory of a departed loved one.

See the the daily Sponsorship at the bottom of the Front Page to get a general idea of the format. Sponsorships are preceded by the headline “Today’s CRO news story is sponsored by” and you fill in the rest in 55 characters or less. Keep in mind your name and residence will be included like in the examples below.

Some examples:

  • John Doe of Anyplace, N.C., for his wife, Jane, on their 25th anniversary
  • Jane Doe of Anyplace, N.C., for her husband, John, on his birthday
  • John and Jane Doe of Anyplace, N.C., for the birth of their son John Jr.
  • John Doe Jr. of Anyplace, N.C., for his father, John Sr., on his retirement

You get the idea.

Click the Sponsor link below to begin. Please understand that the editors must approve your sponsorship and reserve the right to edit its content. You’ll have the opportunity to approve any changes. Also understand that a sponsorship gives you no control over the editorial content of Coastal Review Online.



Catherine Snead
North Carolina Coastal Federation


